
I am very proud to be a volunteer for both the RSPB and the BTO. Giving a little of my time to help these fantastic organisations is a joy.

Even on the small scale that I contribute, it feels like I am helping to make a difference 

RSPB (The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds)

Community volunteer

I am a community volunteer  for the RSPB helping to get a pilot scheme project up and running. The aim of the project is to make local communities aware of planning applications and development schemes that could have an impact on local green space and consequently the wildlife that inhabits it.

I am part of a small team of volunteers who monitor this within Sussex and Kent and if the pilot scheme is successful then the goal is to roll it out across the UK.

Species Protection Site Ranger

Pagham Harbour & Medmerry nature reserves

I am a volunteer site ranger at RSPB Pagham Harbour and RSPB Medmerry nature reserves, carrying out regular patrols to help not only protect the wildlife and habitat, particularly in the nesting season, but also to engage with the visitors to make sure their experience of the reserves is an enjoyable one. 

I've got to be honest, it's a dream volunteering position for me as I get to walk the reserves as many times as I can justifiably skive off work  (I work for myself so hey, who's checking)

BTO (British Trust for Ornithology)

Wetland bird surveyor

I am a wetland bird surveyor for the BTO monitoring waterbird populations on an assigned section of land in the Arun District. Counting and recording is done once a month between October and March when the overwintering waterfowl arrive in the UK. This data is crucial for the BTO to be able to monitor waterfowl populations year on year and the effect of changing environmental and climatic on those populations.

I am delighted to be able to do this, particularly as my little section of land is absolutely stunning as the pictures show.