Curlew Action

Some of my most memorable moments while out photographing birds have been watching and of course listening to curlews on the salt marshes, particularly at RSPB Pagham Harbour. It's just magical.

I am passionate about them, as is my son and we did a podcast episode dedicated entirely to them. (You can listen to the episode here or on any of the major platforms, like Spotify, Amazon or Apple.)

There is a fantastic organisation called Curlew Action whose sole mission is to bring widespread awareness of the plight of the curlew and to try and save this beautiful, iconic wading bird.

I urge you to visit their site and read about how you can help them protect the curlew from the very real threat of extinction.

I'm very fond of curlews

If we don't do something to help curlews now, they could be extinct in the UK within 15 years

We really can't let that happen

Why we should care?

Because it's not just about the curlew…

The curlew is an indicator species, which means that when things are bad for the curlew they are also bad for many other species.

​Their decline is an early warning system of environmental and climatic changes that will also have a profound effect on the populations of other ground nesting birds and many other
​associated species.

About Curlew Action

The best place to find out all about this fantastic organisation, is on their own website. 

Not only can you find out loads you probably never knew about curlews, but also how you can help them save this stunning bird.

There are loads of ways you can help and it doesn't always have to be about donating money, although of course that is a very important resource.

To find out how you as an individual, group or commercial business can support the incredible work being done by Curlew Action to try and save the curlew, visit the  'Support Us' page on their website.

How you can help