I run a podcast with my son and it’s an absolute joy to spend the time recording it with him


​We are passionate about wildlife, photography and the environment.

Grab a coffee and join us as we chat about doing our bit for the planet, interesting news stories and the incredible work being done around the world that gives us hope. Oh, and we'll probably have a good natter about our photographic escapades from time to time too.

We are very proud of our little podcast and you can listen to it here or on any of the main podcast platforms like Spotify, Amazon and Apple if you prefer.

Episode 1 - Rewilding your garden

In this first ever episode of the birdy bug pod, we chat about rewilding and how you can use a garden of any size to create a little wild spot.

We look at the daunting state of the UK's wild areas but also the incredible speed at which nature can bounce back and how we can all take part in creating spaces that benefit wildlife and the planet.

Episode 3 - The surprising impact of coffee

Coffee. We love it, we are dependent on it, we consume a lot of it! Unfortunately, with that consumption comes an inevitable environmental cost.

So grab a cup of, well coffee, and join us as we look into how our coffee habits impact the planet.

But it's not all bad, we also discuss the best ways we can each minimise our footprint whilst still enjoying a delicious cup of coffee.

Episode 5 - Tackling wildlife myths

​Will a false widow bite make your arm fall off?

Does badger culling stop the spread of TB?

Are beavers bad for fish?

Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we tackle these questions and more, busting common myths, misinformation, and general media nonsense around our wildlife.

Episode 7 - Photography:A shared passion

How did our passion for photography start? Why did one of us end up focusing on birds and the other on bugs? Grab a coffee and join us for a relaxed chat as we answer these questions and more. Learn why we love this hobby, some of the places it has taken us and how this shared passion ties into our love for wildlife, conservation, and the environment.

We hope you enjoy this slightly different kind of episode and come out of it feeling like you know us a little better.

Episode 9 - ​Positive nature news

There is no better way to start the new year than with a collection of positive nature news stories!

Following a short hiatus due to illness over Christmas, we are ending 2022 and kicking off 2023 on a positive note.

From species that that flourished last year to successful rewilding projects, we have got the lot!

So, grab a coffee and join us for our first episode of the year.

Episode 11 - ​Remarkable seagrass

This episode we are chatting all things seagrass! Sometimes called "the most important habitat that no one has heard of" we wanted to shine some light on this incredible plant.

So, grab a coffee and join us as we learn about what makes seagrass so incredible both ecologically and environmentally, why we have lost 90% of our seagrass meadows in the UK, and what is being done to restore this remarkable habitat!

Episode 13 - SustainabiliTEA

We've done coffee, now we are tackling tea! The second most consumed drink after water, this week we are delving into the sustainability of tea.

So, grab a cuppa and join us as we learn what tea really is, whether there are environmental issues with its production, and of course, what we can do to reduce the impact of our tea habits.

Episode 15 - Appreciating adders

They've had mentions in previous episodes, but this one is all about adders! This stunning snake is often misunderstood but we love them and think they deserve some appreciation.

So, grab a coffee and join us as we discuss adders, we learn about their biology, dispel some common myths, delve into the threats they are facing, and of course, highlight the fantastic organisations working to help them.

Episode 17 - ​Stabilising the stag beetle

After decades of dramatic decline, our largest beetle is beginning to stabilise. But the mighty stag beetle still needs our help.

So, grab a coffee and settle in as we learn all about stag beetles, why their populations have been declining for so long, how they are beginning to stabilise and the actions we can all take to help these incredible insects.

It was about time The Birdy Bug Pod had an insect-specific episode, and what a species for our first one.

Episode 19 - ​The natural world of Croatia 

After our holiday in Croatia, where we both fell in love with the country and were blown away by the wildlife, we wanted to learn more about the nature that you can find there.

So grab a drink and join us for our first international episode where we explore the reasons why Croatia has such a wealth of wildlife, discuss the species we saw and those we would like to go back for, as well as look into the pressures Croatian wildlife faces and how it is being protected.

We had a lot of fun researching this episode and enjoyed doing something slightly different, we hope you enjoy it!

Episode 21 - ​Ode to a nightingale 

After a week of hearing their captivating song in Croatia, we just had to do an episode on the nightingale.

Known for producing one of the most beautiful songs in nature, this visually plain but audibly stunning bird is unfortunately struggling and in the UK their populations have seen a massive decline. They need our help.

Join us as we learn all about the nightingale, from their cultural impact on poetry, operas, and radio broadcasts, to the environmental threats they are facing.

We of course, also look at the invaluable work being carried out to save this incredible bird.

Episode 23 - ​The toadally awesome natterjack

An exciting episode as we are finally highlighting an amphibian for the first time and it's the wondeful natterjack toad that gets the honour.

Our loudest amphibian is also one of our scarcest, being restricted to only a handful of sites across the UK and unfortunately, these precious populations face many threats.

Join us as we learn about this fascinating toad, its natural history, the pressures they are under, and of course, the incredible work being done to help conserve and bolster their numbers.

Episode 25 - ​The best wildlife spots in the UK

... that we've been to so far.

Grab a brew and join us for this chilled chat about some of our favourite nature reserves and wildlife spots.

Places where we've seen some of our favourite species, taken our best photos, and had the most memorable moments.

Episode 27 - What's in the bag?

Join us as we take a dive into our camera bags and chat about what bits of kit we use, from cameras and lenses to handy little accessories. We reveal our niche nerdiness as we get excited about tripod heads and camera straps, learn what weird thing is always in Matthew's camera bag, and we dream a little about our ideal set-ups.

This was a fun, lighthearted chat that we thoroughly enjoyed recording and hope you enjoy listening to. Think it is safe to say that our love of camera gear shines through this conversation.

What gear do you use? Any weird things that you always have in your camera bag? We would love to know, so do get in touch! 

Episode 29 - The UK's fastest declining bird

Discover the story of the turtle dove, a symbol of peace and love, facing a staggering 99% decline in the UK since the 1970s.

Join us as we examine the complex issues besieging this wonderful bird, whilst also addressing pressing questions such as "what is the difference between a pigeon and a dove?" And "what on earth is pigeon milk?"

It's not all doom and gloom, as we of course shine a spotlight on the remarkable efforts of dedicated organisations working hard to halt the decline and revive our dwindling turtle dove population.

Have you been lucky enough to see a turtle dove? Let us know at steve@abirdinthelens.com

Episode 31 - Our first guest: Sumatra with Josh Phangurha

Zoologist, ecologist, wildlife photographer, and very well-travelled, we've mentioned Josh in a few previous episodes, it was about time we had him on!

Not long back from 5 weeks in the jungles of Sumatra, we delve into his experience, covering the incredible species he saw, the challenges facing both wildlife and conservationists, some good signs of ecotourism, and what would be great to see going forward. And, in true Birdy Bug Pod fashion, we hear about some of the passionate and dedicated people working hard to protect Sumatra's truly invaluable habitats.

From surreal encounters with orangutans and elephants to illegal orchid hunters and falling into a river whilst looking for a crocodilian, this episode really does have it all!

We appreciate that it is quite a long episode (you can use the timestamps to hop about), but with his experiences and absolute wealth of knowledge, we could have easily chatted to Josh for another 3 hours.

We had a fantastic time recording this episode, we really hope you enjoy it.

Episode 33 - Krill: The unsung heroes of the ocean

They mitigate the impacts of climate change, support a plethora of species (including the largest animals on earth), and are often called the linchpin of the Antarctic. Krill may be small, but they are massively important.

Grab a coffee and join us as we dive into the frosty waters of the Antarctic and explore just how and why these small crustaceans are so vital and the worrying challenges they are facing.

We were blown away during our research by what we learnt about krill and of course concerned about the future of their populations.


00:00:00 Intro & catchup

00:03:08 The world of krill

00:16:35 Threats & challenges facing krill

00:34:18 Possible solutions & positives

00:48:07 Wrap up

Episode 35 - What the fungi

Tasty fried mushrooms with your breakfast may be the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word fungi, but did you know that they are essential to mitigating climate change?

In fact, the fungi kingdom is far more diverse and vital than we could have imagined. From incredible carbon storage and ability to improve the health of forests to even providing sustainable packaging and breaking down plastics!

Grab a coffee and join us for a chilled chat about the remarkable world of fungi. We couldn't dive too deeply into any one aspect, or we would probably still be recording the episode. But we wanted to provide an introduction to an easily overlooked group of organisms that are truly fascinating and absolutely essential to the health of our planet.

We had a great time recording this episode and hope you enjoy listening.

Episode 2 - A call for the curlew

The humble curlew is in trouble with huge population declines over the last few decades and existing populations struggling. Despite being one of our most pressing conservation issues, it is not one that we were aware of until recently.

So join us as we chat about why we love these stunning birds, what has caused their decline, and the incredible work being done to help them.

Episode 4 - Litter is rubbish

Litter is just rubbish! We all know that it looks bad and ends up in our oceans, but how else does it impact our ecosystems and the environment? Grab a coffee and join us as we look into the variety of issues surrounding litter. From threatening some of our smallest mammals to altering the chemistry of our waterways.

But as always, it's not all doom and gloom, we find hope in the brilliant work being done by fantastic individuals/organisations, and even look at how we can all make a difference.

Episode 6 - Help the humble hedgehog

​The hedgehog, an endearing, instantly recognisable, snuffling ball of spikes. Once a common sight in UK gardens, their populations have declined over the last few decades. But it's not all bad news, whilst some populations continue to struggle, others are stabilising.

So grab a coffee and join us for a little chat about what has caused our hedgehogs to decline, what work is being done to help them, and how we can all make their lives a little easier.

Episode 8 - ​For the love of peat 

​This week is all about bogs and the peat that forms them. Despite only covering a small percentage of the world's terrestrial space, saving peatlands is essential for combating climate change.

So, grab a coffee and join us as we chat about what makes peat such a valuable environmental resource, how we use it, and what we can all do to save our peatlands.

Episode 10 - ​Our 10th episode!

Our little podcast has made it to 10 episodes! To mark the occasion, we have an episode filled with all manner of things centred around the number 10.

From 10 facts about ourselves to 10 conservation/environmental goals we would like to see happen in the next 10 years. From 10 interesting bird/bug facts to 10 places we would like to visit for wildlife. We even have quiz questions for which we have 10 seconds to answer, sprinkled throughout!

So grab a coffee and join us for this light-hearted, at times serious and at times daft, episode. This was a particularly fun one to make, so we hope you enjoy listening!

Episode 12 - ​The UK's fastest declining mammal

Water voles were once common across the UK, however their populations have plummeted by 97% since the 1970s. As our fastest declining mammal, they are now a rare sight.

Grab a coffee and settle in as we look at what happened to our water voles to cause such a dramatic decline. Of course, we also shine some light on the incredible work being done to help bring their numbers back up!

Episode 14 - The Mighty Oak

We are delving into the world of oak trees! We couldn't quite believe the plethora of species that they support.

So, grab a coffee and join us as we learn about the cultural, ecological, and environmental importance of these incredible trees.

We of course also look at the threats they are facing and the incredible work being done to protect them.

Episode 16 - Why swifts need our help. Swiftly!

This week we are taking to the sky and learning all about the remarkable swifts. There is an abundance of interesting facts about swifts but, like many species, their populations are declining.

So, grab a coffee and join us as we delve into the fascinating lives of swifts, examine what is causing their decline, and of course look at how we can all help! We really enjoyed this episode, and each came away with a real appreciation for these incredible birds, we hope you enjoy.

Episode 18 - ​An eel-y important episode

This episode, we are venturing underwater for the first time and learning about the complex lives of European eels. From their remarkable migration to the fact that they were once used as currency, these fish are fascinating both biologically and culturally. Yet, their populations have declined dramatically in recent decades, and they are now critically endangered.

So, grab your drink of choice and join us as we delve into the wonderful world of eels! Examining their natural history, surprising cultural significance, the causes of their dramatic decline, and of course, the fantastic work going on to help these incredible fish.

We thoroughly enjoyed researching this episode and both came away with a real appreciation for an animal we would perhaps otherwise have overlooked.

Episode 20 - ​An introduction to reintroductions

Reintroducing species, bringing those lost back and bolstering those that are on the verge of disappearing.Join us in this episode as we delve into the world of reintroductions.

We look at what it really takes to make reintroduction projects succeed and how work to bring one species back can have far reaching conservation benefits.We also dive into some very well and some lesser-known UK reintroduction success stories.

We had a great time researching and recording this episode and it could have easily gone on for hours. It is always nice to cover positive stories of when conservation efforts work. We hope you enjoy listening.

Episode 22 - ​Batty about bats

International Bat Night takes places over the last full weekend of August every year and we thought it would be the perfect excuse to record an episode all about bats!

Grab your drink of choice and join us as we delve into the fascinating world of bats. From speedy fliers to the one of the world's smallest mammals, we got a bit carried away with bat facts.

We also look into which species we have here in the UK, what threats they are facing, and of course, the wonderful work being done to protect them.

We had a great time learning about a group of animals neither of us had a huge amount of prior knowledge about and were pleased to find some good news stories about the UK bat populations.
We hope you enjoy!

Episode 24 - ​The interesting world of invasive species

Invasive non-native species. What are they and what problems do they cause? How do we combat them and control them? What can we all do to help?

We look at all of these questions and more as we delve into the fascinating world of invasive species. From remarkably resilient plants to duck hybridisations, this episode has the lot.

A huge topic, that we thoroughly enjoyed researching and we hope you enjoy listening.

Episode 26 - ​Carbon pawprints

From going plastic free to taking shorter showers, many of us look for ways we can reduce our impact on the planet and yet, so often we overlook the carbon pawprints of our cats and dogs.

As two people who love their cats, we set out to learn just how we can all reduce the impact our fury friends have on the planet.

We were surprised by some of the facts and figures we found during our research and discovered several eco-friendly tactics we intend to start implementing ourselves.

Episode 28 - 2023: Positive nature news from around the world

Join us for a break from all the negative news and enjoy an hour of uplifting stories and a reminder that people everywhere are working incredibly hard for nature.

This episode we are bringing you a collection of fantastic stories highlighting the remarkable work being done across the globe to conserve wildlife, protect nature, and look after the planet.

Connecting fragmented habitats, fighting poaching, creating protected areas, addressing deforestation, and much, much more! We had a great time researching this episode and were blown away by some of the stories we found.

Episode 30 - Ecotourism: Does it work?

Join us as we delve into the world of ecotourism, exploring what it is and whether or not it achieves its goal of providing a way to travel that benefits nature, the planet, and people.

We look how ecotourism differs from other forms of "green" travel, the potential benefits and pitfalls, and examples of it done well and when it misses the mark.

Looking for your next ecotourism/sustainable holiday? Make sure to stick around until the end for a list of a few particularly green destinations and tips on spotting potential greenwashing.

If you have any recommendations of brilliant ecotourism trips, or have perhaps had a bad experience, we would be very interested to hear about it! steve@abirdinthelens.com

Episode 32 - The worrying decline of the magnificent albatross

With their mind-boggling wingspans and entrancing mating rituals, albatrosses are certainly birds with some charisma. However, facing a variety of pressures, these majestic birds are in decline, an issue that can be all too easily missed due to their remote oceanic lifestyle.

So, grab a drink and join us for a chilled episode where we delve into the challenges facing these remarkable birds, featuring some different issues from the usual suspects. We of course also shine a light on the promising solutions and the organisations working hard to protect the world's magnificent albatrosses.

Also in this episode, Matthew actually has some catch up and Steve finally gets his revenge on Matthew for making him guess the weight of a curlew way back in episode 2.

As always, please do feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions, feedback, comments, or just want to say hi! The easiest way to get in touch is to ping us a message on Instagram:

Steve - @a.bird.in.the.lens

Matthew - @a.bug.in.the.lens

Episode 34 - Inspired by Jane Goodall's book of hope

Every time we discuss a struggling species or an environmental issue that needs overcoming, we try to finish the chat with some hope. Highlighting the incredible work of tirelessly dedicated people who are out there trying to make a difference.

Hope is essential if we are to overcome the monumental challenges facing nature and our planet, a sentiment that is at the heart of Dr Jane Goodall's inspiring book of hope.

So, join us for an uplifting episode as we delve into the four reasons that give her hope. From nature's remarkable resilience to the incredible power of young people, we showcase examples from around the world that embrace these four reasons and should give us all hope that we can prevail.

We had a brilliant time recording this episode and really hope you enjoy it. The Book of Hope truly resonated with Steve, and we implore everyone to read it.

Jane Goodall is a legendary primatologist and conservationist and is still fighting for nature, still lecturing and educating at the age of 90. Structured as a series of discussions between herself and co-author Douglas Abrams, Goodall's argument for hope in these troubling times is uplifting, inspiring, and definitely something we all need a lot more of.

Episode 36 - The UK's rarest reptile

Elusive and secretive, the smooth snake is not often seen and therefore easily overlooked. However, this fascinating reptile is confronting increasing pressures that could make it even scarcer.

Join us as we shine a light on the lifestyle of this mysterious serpent, uncover the threats they are facing, and of course, highlight the remarkable conservation efforts dedicated to preserving our rarest reptile and it's habitat.


00:00:00 Catch up

00:03:22 Introduction to the smooth snake

00:15:09 Threats to our rarest reptile

00:24:30 Smooth snake & habitat conservation efforts

00:36:45 Wrap up